New Seahawk Orientation

New Seahawk Orientation

Saturday, Aug. 31 through Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024

Welcome to 365bet滚球投注! We are so happy that you are joining our campus community. New Seahawk Orientation will provide you with an educational and engaging introduction to life at 365bet滚球投注. You will meet fellow new students, learn about University resources and explore the campus and Newport community.

More details regarding New Student Orientation will be shared in early summer.

Questions? Contact the Office of Student Engagement at (401) 341-2915 or

New Seahawk Orientation is mandatory for all incoming first-year students. If you cannot attend, contact the Office of Student Engagement at (401) 341-2915 or

If you need special accommodations for New Seahawk Orientation, contact the Office of Student Engagement at (401) 341-2915 or

If you are a new or transferring international student, exchange student or U.S. citizen who grew up overseas, you will attend International Student Orientation from Aug. 28-30. You will then attend New Seahawk Orientation after International Student Orientation. For more information, call the Center for Global Education and Fellowships at (401) 341-2372.

Classes for the fall 2023 semester begin Wednesday, Sept. 6.

The room assignment process begins with an online housing application, which provides the Office of Residence Life with the information necessary to assign you a roommate(s) and residence hall room.

Housing applications are available online from May 15 to July 1. After July 1, room and roommate requests are processed. Please note that roommate requests are only granted when all students requesting roommates have indicated the option on their respective applications. In late July, you will receive notification through your 365bet滚球投注 email address that your room assignment and roommate information is available.

For more information, contact the Office of Residence Life at (401) 341-2210 or

Textbooks are available to rent or purchase in digital or printed format from the bookstore website. You are encouraged to consider rental or digital options to help lower the cost of textbooks. You may highlight and make notes in both used and new rented textbooks. You may also convert a rented textbook to a purchase any time during the semester by paying the difference between the rental and purchase price.

For more information, call the 365bet滚球投注 bookstore at (401) 847-9086.

Santander Bank is nearby and has an ATM in Miley Hall. A second ATM is located in Gerety Hall. It is not affiliated with a bank and charges $1 per transaction.